#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is copyright (c) 2016, P. Lutus and is released # under the GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html). import RPi.GPIO as G G.setmode(G.BCM) G.setwarnings(False) # map binary digits to I/O pins gpio_pins = tuple(range(2,27)) # set I/O pins to output mode G.setup(gpio_pins,G.OUT) # accept user inputs until 'q' while True: s = raw_input("Enter a number in the range [0,255] or 'q' for quit:") try: n = int(s) except: if(s.lower() == 'q'): break print("You entered %3d (base ten) or %8s (base two)." % (n,bin(n)[2:])) # set LEDs to binary code for i in range(len(gpio_pins)): s = (2**i & n) != 0 G.output(gpio_pins[i],(0,1)[s]) print("So long for now.") G.cleanup()